Brefeldin A

Nom chimique: (+)-Brefeldin A // Synonymes: Ascotoxin, Cyanein, Decumbin, Nectrolide, Synergisidin

  • n° Art.:LS-1014
  • n° CAS:20350-15-6
  • Formule:C16H24O4
  • Masse moléculaire:280,36 g/mol

Lactone antibiotic produced by Eupenicillium brefeldianum. Activator of the sphingomyelin cycle; inhibitor of protein translocation from endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the Golgi apparatus; Inhibitor of intracellular protein transport and protein secretion.


Nebenführ, A. et al., Brefeldin A: deciphering an enigmatic inhibitor of secretion. Plant Physiol. 2002;130(3):1102-8.

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