Aflatoxin B1

Nom chimique: (6aR,9aS)-2,3,6a,9a-tetrahydro-4-methoxy-cyclopenta[c]furo[3',2':4,5]furo[2,3h][1]benzopyran-1,11-dione

  • n° Art.:LS-1005
  • n° CAS:1162-65-8
  • Formule:C17H12O6
  • Masse moléculaire:312,3 g/mol

Aflatoxin B1 is mutagenic, tetratogenic and causes immunosuppression in animals. Beside this Aflaxtoxin B1 is a potent hepatotoxic and hepacarcinogenic mycotoxin. Origin: Aspergillus flavus

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