Nom chimique: 1-[4',5'-(methylenedioxy)-2'-nitrophenyl]ethyl]-L-cysteine // Synonymes: Photocaged cysteine, H-Cys(Methyl-o-nitropiperonyl), S-(Methyl-o-nitropiperonyl)-cysteine, [(R,S)-1-{4',5'-(methylenedioxy)-2'-nitrophenyl}ethyl]-L-cysteine, Photo-Cys,H-Cys(MDNPE)-OH, S-(1-(6-nitro benzo[d][1,3]dioxol-5-yl)ethyl)-L-cysteine

  • n° Art.:HAA9270
  • n° CAS:1551078-43-3
  • Formule:C12H14N2O6S
  • Masse moléculaire:314,31 g/mol
  • Pureté:min. 98%
  • Pureté Énantiomérique:min. 99,7%

Starting at 240,00 €

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100 mg
240,00 €
250 mg
400,00 €
500 mg
720,00 €
1 g
1 120,00 €

This photocaged cysteine can be incorporated into proteins and can be rapidly and efficiently photodeprotected to reveal native proteins in live cells.


Genetic Encoding of Photocaged Cysteine Allows Photoactivation of TEV Protease in Live Mammalian Cells; D. P. Nguyen, M. Mahesh, S. J. Elsässer, S. M. Hancock, C. Uttamapinant, J. W. Chin; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014; 136(6): 2240-2243. https://doi.org/10.1021/ja412191m.

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