N3-IsoSer*DCHA (2S)

Nom chimique: (S)-2-Hydroxy-3-azidopropanoic acid dicyclohexalamine // Synonymes: Azido Isoserine, (2S)-3-azido-2-hydroxypropanoic acid dicyclohexalamine, N3-IsoSer, N3-Isoserine

  • n° Art.:HAA3365
  • n° CAS:1620171-65-4 net
  • Formule:C3H5N3O3*C12H23N
  • Masse moléculaire:131,09*181,32 g/mol
  • Pureté:min. 99%
  • Pureté Énantiomérique:min. 99,7%

Starting at 80,00 €

Grouped product items
Nombre Unité de vente Prix SKU
250 mg
80,00 €
500 mg
145,00 €
1 g
225,00 €
5 g
800,00 €

This azide-containing chiral alpha-hydroxypropinoic acid can be used as a building block for further modification using Click-chemistry (CuAAC).


Bioluminescence imaging of small biomolecules; R. Sinisi, E. Dubikovskaya, G. Budin, G. Karateev, J. Frigell, A. Konovalova, A. Godinat; 2014; WO2014111906A1.

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