Alkyne-oleic acid

Nom chimique: (9Z)-Octadec-9-en-17-ynoic acid, Alkyne-(9Z)-octadecynoic acid // Synonymes: (Z)-octadec-9-en-17-ynoic acid

  • n° Art.:RL-3900
  • n° CAS:151333-45-8
  • Formule:C18H30O2
  • Masse moléculaire:278,44 g/mol

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This alkyne-functionalized fatty acid is suitable for further conjugation via Click chemistry. Thus, based on the labeling, it allows tracing of fatty acid metabolism in virtually any biological system.



Tracing Fatty Acid Metabolism by Click Chemistry; C. Thiele, C. Papan, D. Hoelper, K. Kuserow, A. Gaebler, M. Schoene, K. Piotrowitz, D. Lohmann, J. Spandl, A. Stevanovic, A. Shevchenko, L. Kuerschner; ACS Chem. Biol. 2012; 7(12): 2004-2011.   

Lipid analysis using click chemistry with alkyne-modified lipid and azido-modified coumarin compounds, and their synthesis; C. Thiele; WO2014001527 A2.

Alkyne lipids as substrates for click chemistry-based in vitro enzymatic assays; A. Gaebler, R. Milan, L. Straub, D. Hoelper, L. Kuerschner, C. Thiele; J. Lipid Res. 2013; 54(8): 2282-2290.

Probing lipid-protein adduction with alkynyl surrogates: application to Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome; K. Windsor, T. C. Genaro-Mattos, H.-Y. H. Kim, W. Liu, K. A. Tallman, S. Miyamoto, Z. Korade, N. A. Porter; J. Lipid Res. 2013; 54(10): 2842-2850.

A global map of lipid-binding proteins and their ligandability in cells; M. J. Niphakis, K. M. Lum, A. B. Cognetta 3rd, B. E. Correia, T.A. Ichu, J. Olucha, S. J. Brown, S. Kundu, F Piscitelli, H. Rosen, B. F. Cravatt; Cell 2015; 161(7): 1668-1680.

Molecular Phylogenies indicate a Paleo-Tibetan Origin of Himalayan Lazy Toads (Scutiger); S. Homann, M. Stöck, Y. Zheng, F. G. Ficetola, J.-T. Li, U. Scheidt, J. Schmidt; Sci. Rep. 2017; 7: 3308.

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