Nom chimique: 7-(9-Fluorenylmethyloxycarbonylamino)-coumarin-4-acetic acid

  • n° Art.:RL-1170
  • n° CAS:378247-75-7
  • Formule:C26H19NO6
  • Masse moléculaire:441,43 g/mol
  • Pureté:min. 98%

Fmoc-ACA is used for solid-phase syntheses of fluorogenic protease substrates based on 7-amino-4-carbamoylmethylcoumarin (ACC).

Fmoc-ACA can be loaded onto polystyrene Rink resin and requires three repeated couplings to achieve 89% substitution. The unreacted amine functionalities have to be capped using acetic anhydride.

(a) Rink amine resins (0.5 equiv.), DIC/HOBt, DCM/DMF (7:3 v/v), 3x 30 min, (b) Acetic Anhydride (20 equiv.), Pyridine (10 equiv.), 30 min, (c) Piperidine in DMF (1:4 v/v), 2x 5 min, 30 min.

Fmoc-ACA-OH is incorporated into peptides as Fluorogenic marker for protease substrates.


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Salisbury, Cleo M.; Maly, Dustin J.; Ellman, Jonathan A. Journal of the American Chemical Society (2002), 124(50), 14868-14870. DOI:10.1021/ja027477q;

Maly, Dustin J.; Leonetti, Francesco; Backes, Bradley J.; Dauber, Deborah S.; Harris, Jennifer L.; Craik, Charles S.; Ellman, Jonathan A. Journal of Organic Chemistry (2002), 67(3), 910-915. DOI:10.1021/jo016140o;

Kasperkiewicz, Paulina; Poreba, Marcin; Snipas, Scott J.; Parker, Heather; Winterbourn, Christine C.; Salvesen, Guy S.; Drag, Marcin Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2014), 111(7), 2518-2523.

Rut, Wioletta; Poreba, Marcin; Kasperkiewicz, Paulina; Snipas, Scott J.; Drag, Marcin Journal of Medicinal Chemistry (2018), 61(12), 5222-5234. DOI:10.1021/acs.jmedchem.8b00026.

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