
Nom chimique: (S)-2-Amino-4-azidobutanoic acid hydrochloride // Synonymes: L-2-amino-4-azidobutanoic acid*HCl, L-azidohomoalanine*HCl, L-gamma-azidohomoalanine*HCl, H-L-Dab(N3)-OH*HCl, Dab(N3)*HCl, H-Dab(N3)*HCl, L-homoAZAL*HCl, L-Azhal*HCl,4-Azido-L-homoalanine, H-Aha-OH* HCl

  • n° Art.:HAA5730
  • n° CAS:942518-29-8
  • Formule:C4H8N4O2*HCl
  • Masse moléculaire:144,13*36,45 g/mol
  • Pureté:min. 98%
  • Pureté Énantiomérique:min. 99,9%

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H-Dab(N3)-OH is incorporated into proteins that can be further selectively modified using Staudinger ligation or Click-chemistry.


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