Photo-Palmitic acid

Nom chimique: 9-(3-hexyl-3H-diazirin-3-yl)nonanoic acid // Synonymes: 10-Diazirinhexadecanoic acid

  • n° Art.:RL-3740
  • n° CAS:2100292-41-7
  • Formule:C16H30N2O2
  • Masse moléculaire:282,43 g/mol

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Bifunctional, long and fatty acid like cross-linker suitable for the conjugation of nucleophiles, like amines, with azides or any other functional groups for click chemistry. This linker bears an diazirin ring, which will dismiss N2 under illumination with UV light. The remaining carbene will undergo spontaneous insertion and addition reaction with any neighboring molecule and irreversibly form a covalent bond. Photoaffinity labeling has been used as powerful tool for the identification of ligand-protein and protein-protein interactions.

Protect from Sunlight.


Global Mapping of Protein-Lipid Interactions by Using Modified Choline-Containing Phospholipids Metabolically Synthesized in Live Cells; D. Wang, S. Du, A. Cazenave-Gassiot, J. Ge, J.-S. Lee, M. R. Wenk, S. Q. Yao; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 2017; 56(21): 5829-5833.

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