
Nom chimique: 8-amino-3,6-dioxaoctanoic acid tetramer // Synonymes: H-AEEA-AEEA-AEEA-AEEA, (AEEA)4, H-Ado-Ado-Ado-Ado-OH, H-Adoa-Adoa-Adoa-Adoa-OH

  • n° Art.:PEG8060
  • n° CAS:2773558-66-8
  • Formule:C24H46N4O13
  • Masse moléculaire:598,64 g/mol
  • Pureté:min. 98%

Starting at 170,00 €

Grouped product items
Nombre Unité de vente Prix SKU
100 mg
170,00 €
250 mg
280,00 €
500 mg
510,00 €
1 g
785,00 €
5 g
2 800,00 €

This reagent can be used to acylate peptides, in order to increase clearance time and increase resistance to proteolytic degradation of peptides in vivo. (PCT Int. Appl. (2010), WO 2010029159 A1; PCT Int. Appl. (2009), WO 2009115469 A1).

This compound can also be used as a hydrophylic cross-linker. (WO 2006097537 A2, WO 2018013803 A1, WO 2019034726).

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