Chemischer Name: N-omega-Carboxymethyl-L-arginine // Synonyme: N-omega-(carboxymethyl)-L-arginine

  • Art-Nr.:HAA9155
  • CAS Nr.:278610-96-1
  • Formel:C8H16N4O4
  • Molare Masse:232,24 g/mol

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Maillard Reaction Products (MRPs) are indicators for the heat treatment of food, as well as markers of nutritional quality. They also appear naturally in the human body as so-called Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs). As such, they are indicators for body health and disease processes, including inflammation, diabetes, cancer and ageing. Consequently, AGEs gained broad attention in cosmetics, biochemistry, food, and pharmaceutical applications.

This material is supplied as a salt containing varying contents of the acid counterion. The net content of each batch is specified in the respective certificate of analysis.


Identification of N(omega)-carboxymethylarginine, a new advanced glycation endproduct in serum proteins of diabetic patients: possibility of a new marker of aging and diabetes; H. Odani, K. Iijima, M. Nakata, S. Miyata, H. Kusunoki, Y. Yasuda, Y. Hiki, S. Irie, K. Maeda and D. Fujimoto; Biochemical and biophysical research communications 2001; 285: 1232-6.

Isolation and characterization of glyoxal-arginine modifications; M. A. Glomb and G. Lang; J Agric Food Chem 2001; 49: 1493-501.

Identification of Nω-carboxymethylarginine as a novel acid-labile advanced glycation end product in collagen; K. Iijima, M. Murata, H. Takahara, S. Irie and D. Fujimoto; Biochemical Journal 2000; 347: 23-27.

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