
  1. Nordic Life Science Days

    November 29-30, 2023

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  2. PotM: Next Generation Lysine Side Chain Protecting Groups

    Sick of Lysine side chain protecting groups jumping around, yielding scrambled peptides? Check our various options to fine-tune protecting group stability vs. cleavability to optimize your peptide yield.

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  3. Linkerology® on Metal & Ore Surfaces

    A heart of gold! Metals and ores - see here how their surfaces can be equipped with bifunctional organic linker molecules and thus be turned into modifiable biocompatible materials.

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  4. 2nd DGBNCT Symposium

    27th October, 2023 

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  5. Selective Lysine Labeling with Squaric Acid

    Keeping control! PEGylating reagents with a squaric acid ethyl ester react chemoselectively with side chain amino functions of surface-accessible Lysines in proteins. Other functionalities are not affected.

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  6. Process Development – From Discovery to Scale-up

    Ongoing research efforts lead to the discovery of innovative building blocks and new APIs. However, for industrial applications, upscaling is required. Herein, we share the process development for Fmoc-Cys(Msbh)-OH.

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  7. Workshop Bioorthogonal Chemistry in the Context of cell-free Protein Synthesis

    You missed our workshop featuring Dr. Stefan Kubick (B4Pharmatech, Berlin)? Any further questions? Please get in contact via


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  8. CPHI 2023

    October 24-26, 2023

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  9. Peptide Materials 2023

    October 26-28, 2023

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